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LINK August 29 marks 17 years since Katrina and one year since Ida |

17 years ago, I was in Indianapolis. Our house wasn't quite finished so we were in a hotel. Within about a week of Katrina, we overflowed with "refugees" from the southern states affected.

The price gouging was disgusting, the stories they told were almost hard to believe, and they just kept coming. It wasn't reported accurately on TV at all. 😬

(I didn't even know Ida happened. I guess giving up MSM leaves me with police and gun violence versus national disasters.) 🙄

SeaGreenEyez 9 Aug 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Let's hope for better


Let's hope this August/September won't bring another


Houston had a mass amount of refugees when Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005. I know all about the price gouging as I went through it in Houston with Ike in 2008 and again with Harvey in 2017. I never want to go through another hurricane again. I don't scare easy, but those things are terrifying to me.


It should be illegal to raise prices during a disaster. Talk about an immoral, evil country. 😮💨

Good for you. I probably wouldn't have thought of that. Who do you call in that situation?

@SeaGreenEyez Good for lndiana. I don't remember Texas having that, no surprise. I faintly remember Austin coming down on that sort of thing. Of course, Austin is one of the more progressive cities in the country.

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