Profits keep the company running and reward those that started the company.
Why should the machine operator make the same as the man that took the risk, purchased the building, paid $1,000,000 for a machine, and built the customer base to employ the machine operator that simply runs the machine and goes home with no worries??? That seems rather unfair to the one taking the risk.
Because without the machine operator the product couldn't be created and there would be no profits at all. I also find it incredibly presumptuous and probably bullshit that a single person also "built the customer base" instead of a paid sales staff who also deserves a share for their contribution.
They signed up for the job though. Why would anyone take a job and bitch for more after being there a week or two and not just quit and get a ‘better’ job?
I know a few business owners. They’re all more than willing to fire the entitled prick and run the machine themselves until a replacement is found.
Anybody can run a machine if they care about their credit score or feeding their family.
@CourtJester ... and here we go with you tossing in bullshit to bolster your bullshit. Who said anything about asking for more money after few weeks? No one. That's just you dishonestly inserting a scenario that doesn't happen to make a stupid point. Who gives a shit about your make believe "business owners" who are such assholes that they fire people for wanting a descent wage? What machine are you talking about that "anybody can run"? I worked for a guy who ran an insurance brokerage and he couldn't write the programs that I was writing for his company to keep track of his salesforce. He had to hire people because he couldn't run the machine.
@redbai Say it again and stay on point
@CourtJester ... and there's your pathetic failed attempt at cleverness, but you keep trying. FTR, your pathetic attempt doesn't hide the fact that your arguments were bullshit.
So why don’t you start your own company and pay your employees a fortune?
@CourtJester Another attempt at proving a non-point. Inserting the concept of paying a "fortune" where it's not even suggested. I haven't said anything about paying anyone a "fortune" and it's not suggested in meme, so you must have pulled it out of your ass where you get most of the BS you toss about.
@redbai so then why don’t you start your own company and pay your employers as you see fit then???
@CourtJester So why don't you demonstrate I haven't? Because this is just another way of avoiding the fact that you have no relevant point related to meme, you just want to bloviate.
You haven’t answered my question.
If you did own a business, you would understand that profits are what help a company build and sustain itself, not just pay people with an $8.00 an hour work ethic, $45 an hour.
You’ve demonstrated it your self actually.
@CourtJester So basically your bullshit claim that I haven't done it is based on your ignorant assumptions. The $45 dollar an hour claim is based on what? Nothing related to anything said, just more bullshit pulled out of your ass. You've demonstrated that you pull shit out your ass and put it forth as if it's gold like some child presenting a poorly done art project and expecting praise.
It’s based on the fact that liberals have never created anything positive or valuable to society. I would guess that you’re on welfare, disability, unemployed, or (it’s a stretch…. But maybe) a low level employee at a 9:00 - 5:00 job. You’re replies make it absolutely clear that you’re not a business owner.
If I’m wrong; simply let us know what industry is your business in and what is the starting pay and average wage for the position that you employer your team members for.
@CourtJester So IOW, you're making a bunch of ignorant assumptions to bolster your ego. Thank for validating that your whole view on the subject is based on ignorant assumptions. Didn't think different, just wanted verification and knew you were stupid enough to do it for me.
@redbai You still haven’t answered the question though.
@CourtJester Because dissecting my life is moot. The meme I posted made the point I wished it to make. Your pathetic attempts to change the subject because your arguments against the point of the meme fall flat and irrelevant is not something I have any obligation to indulge.
@redbai You still haven’t answered the question though
@CourtJester So you're to stupid to understand why I don't answer irrelevant questions? I'm good with that.
@redbai But you still haven’t answered the question though.
It’s not because you won’t, it’s because you can’t. “Can’t” was expected.
@CourtJester No, I haven't. Can you make the question relevant to the meme?
It’s was very relevant. It’s typical liberal can’t.
@CourtJester So no. You can't make it relevant except to proclaim it is so. Kind of like a theist claiming there's a god because they say so. You're pathetic.