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LINK National Day of Reason Reintroduced in House of Representatives -

For those who aren’t aware, the National Day of Reason is the inclusive alternative to the National Day of Prayer, an annual observance during which the president issues a proclamation encouraging Americans to pray in thanks for America’s freedom and other values.

Unfortunately, the Day of Prayer excludes the nearly one quarter of Americans who are nonreligious and don’t pray but who wish to celebrate the important values that are lauded during the observance. The National Day of Reason was therefore created as a viable inclusive alternative to the Day of Prayer that is equally worthy of government recognition. The goal of this effort is to celebrate reason—a concept all Americans (both religious and nonreligious) can support—and to promote public policy that is based on reason and logic instead of politics and ideology.

zblaze 7 Apr 28

Enjoy being online again!

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How can you have a "national day of reason" with Trump in charge?

Athos Level 5 May 4, 2018

Considering the Constitution, I think the Day of Reason is far MORE viable as an alternative than the prayer thing.


A day of reason? From the most unreasonable people gathered under one roof? That will be the day.


Well wouldn't it be great if this would happen but my guess is that Christian conservatives will have such a fit the House will be afraid to do anything

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