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Where is Juan Guaid'o? The "recognised" leader of Venezuela?
The man the Bank of England released Venezuelean funds to?
The country where many people entering the US are from?[]
Who actually believes this Juan idiot is el Presidenti of anything really anyway? Not much of the links I see when searching eg[]

puff 8 Sep 24

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I find it interesting that so many supposed xtions and Jesus followers, who really liked outsiders and the needy, are so against Venezuelan refugees who have fled from a country that their media has demonized for so long. Shouldn't they be opening their arms for them like they did for the Cubans fleeing Castro?

Lifting sanctions and freeing up funds would also help stop the flow. Economics is the driving factor rather than political persecution. The audacity of some, nationalising their own natural resources away from foreign corporate control.
As a country, the arms are open. But yes there is hypocrisy galore when it comes to Xtian values, political positions and what actually happens.

@puff One thing about the border that so many don't understand, Clinton, with republican pressure and so he could get other stuff, put locks on the borders that hadn't been seen before. Before that, most "illegals, at least from Mexico," came to labor during reaping of crops time, then went back because it was cheaper to live much of the year in Mexico. With the border locked, they stayed.

@Beowulfsfriend, @puff I didn't know that Venezuela had a border with the USA!

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