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What's your favorite song?

What is your favorite song, singer/band and why?

Lancer 7 Dec 6

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Mack the Knife. Written by Kurt Weill with lyrics by Bertolt Brecht, for the Threepenny Opera, Germany, 1932. A very bloody song about a killer, but when Darin sings it, it just sounds like fun! Ah, irony.


It's reaaally hard to pick one
but pushed into a corner

Aerosmith "Dream On"
Best rock singer/band in my view,this song makes the hairs on my neck stand up,can mean whatever you want it to.A song with real soul.


Currently my favorite song is....
Gloria by Jon Gomm

Unique guitar virtuoso and a beautiful composition.

Lovely. I know it is not related to Morrison/Smith, but Gloria by Patti Smith is sooooo sexy. She's one of the greats.


'Divide and Conquer' and 'Pink Turns to Blue' by Husker Du....also, in no particular order: 'She's an Angel' by They Might Be Giants, 'Gates of Steel' by Devo, 'Spread Your Wings' by Queen, 'Under My Thumb' by the Rolling Stones, 'Eleanor Rigby' by the Beatles, 'Stop Your Crying' by Bob Mould...also pretty much anything from Motown


"King Of My Heart"- Taylor Swift. I love the beat.


That tends to change by the moment, but the one I have always seemed to come back to through the years has been Marillion's, Sugar Mice.


Right now I'm Not Racist by Joyner Lucas.


"Going Underground" by The Jam, since that's where we're all headed 😉


Mine is Mkaliez by Hiroyuki Sawano because it really gets the blood pumping with the beats. It makes every car ride sound much more epic than it actually is 🙂

Plus I'd say Hands Held High by Linkin Park because the lyrics are so true and it's quite eye opening.

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