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Explain levels

I am at level 4. Some I am noticing are at 7...8 not sure how this works. Is it any better at a higher level? Do I really have to start a group?wth

annedoneal 6 Apr 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Level 10 you get to me Xanu and transcend to the upper realms


The levels are to encourage participation.

Lower levels need to have their posts reviewed before they go live, however I think they go live automatically at level 5. This is to discourage haters from trying to harm the site, so the site is a welcome and safe place for nonbelievers.

Persons at level 7 and above canjoin the group for input on the site itself to determine which features to add next.

I just reached level 8, and heard level 8 gets a free T-shirt, but we'll see. It may have only been the first 100 to reach level 8, and I am more like number 130.


It is a progression of your contribution to the blog

Rosh Level 7 Apr 29, 2018

Higher levels come with some privilege/responsibility. For instance at lower levels (up to level 3 if I remember correctly) your posts don't go live immediately, they are checked first. At level 6 you gain the ability to approve other people's comments etc. At level 8 you get a free shirt.

You'll gain levels gradually by just participating in discussion and being active on the site; I wouldn't bother "level hunting" as it's transparent and annoying!


You get an agnostic T-shirt at level eight, and are also made a moderator around level four, I think.

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