Has anyone taken the dmt journey, and it lead to an encounter with something that seemed like an intelligent being of life during your trip/stay? Did it communicate with you? How did it communicate? Or was it just yourself, lost in your own thoughts as you gazed upon each other?
People who dropped acid during the 1970s said they saw god, and other beings, but I suspect our soul energies are released by the dmt to communicate freely with the energy of other souls during that time.
Since we are all made of energy, which can't be created or destroyed, so have always existed and will always exist in some energy form, and there's the multiverse, no reason we aren't contacting aliens or beings from other dimensions.
@JustKip LOL! You're funny. I've teleported many times, sometimes with my husband when we were traveling..we'd start out driving, and suddenly arrive in ten minutes, instead of hours.
My daughter can do the same.
I've done astro projection, etc. Just because YOU haven't done something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. But if you start acting all "alt-right" and trolling me I'll just block you.