Experts paint grim portrait of a second Trump presidency: 'Authoritarian autocrat on steroids'
Travis Gettys
October 10, 2022
If Trump is allowed to come back as POTUS we will end up with our first American dictator. He has been trying to set that stage ever since his initial election and even beat the idea of "they owe me a third term" into the brains of anyone who would listen. Yes, Cheto, we owe you a third term because of spying. How absurd! Many forget that Trump had plans of dismantling Social Security once he was re-elected. He did not use those words for it but he was going to "take on" this insurance funded institution, he said. GQP does not like it and never did. Imagine an America of today trying to operate as America in 1900. Much, much more is involved here than elderly people getting a monthly benefit check. Democracy is out the window and our nation is crippled.