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It’s funny because it’s true

CourtJester 7 Nov 5

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Are you saying that you believe the election was stolen from Trump?

By the way, can't you come up with better propagandized headers than: "It’s funny because it’s true." I'm even embarrassed for you because of your ignorance.

I didn’t mention anything about Trump. It’s just funny that democrats can’t celebrate any of their accomplishments

@CourtJester You have never answered my question the last several times that I asked on your other posts. So, I ask again: "Do you believe that the election was stolen from Trump?

l love that you never answer that question, that says it all.


I’ve answered it several times on here.

Absolutely. Biden had to win a small hand full of states in the end and oddly enough, those states stopped counting at night and sent people home. There are videos of totes being carried in after the counters left.

How can anyone believe that the man that could only get 14 supporters to come to a rally with a free Bon Jovi concert got more votes than any president in US history. More than Obama. He constantly had more news reports at his rallies than supporters.

Now we have full on information, the highest gas prices in US history, areas planning on rationing heating fuel coming into the winter, increasing crime in democrat ran cities, highest illegal boarder crossings in history, a huge influx in fentanyl over doses, and higher food costs. It’s beautiful. I’m literally cheering it all on. It’s fantastic.

I’m in decent shape financially and if things get real bad, I have land to shoot my own food and two fire places. I’d actually like to see things collapse and democrat voters get everything they voted for.

Let’s Go Brandon!!!

@CourtJester Your cognitive dissonance is showing. The question again is: "Do you believe that the election was stolen from Trump?"

You are just a silly believer. You are no different than religious believers pushing their beliefs without evidence, and in this case, against the overwhelming evidence that is against you. Your glee at wanting everything to collapse is stereotypical of Republican believers and cults. You are a waste of time.

You should show evidence and keep your beliefs to yourself, no one needs to see you consistently shit yourself on this site.


Enjoy your higher bills.

@CourtJester You still haven't answered the question. Enjoy your delusions, may they continue to be a pain in your ass.


Read above. I answered your question

@CourtJester So, you are saying that you do believe the election was stolen from Trump?

I think so.

@CourtJester You are just a believer. All evidence proves Trump lost.


@CourtJester Does that meme strengthen your faith in Trump? That he is not pissing on you, then you are deluded

What has Biden done better than Trump?


Your side is killing it.

@CourtJester Some of Biden's accomplishments so far. Just because you hate some people doesn't justify your hate or character.


Becuz Biden didn't feel like enriching himself & Chinese businessmen?

Now that’s comical


I'm guessing it's because only loser fucking morons wear political slogans on hats.

It’s only because you can’t support your team’s accomplishments, because there are none.
You can post them if there are any beyond information and higher prices for everything.

@CourtJester There is no “I” in Team. But there are 2 in Insurrection. Which is also the number of times Trump was impeached. Coincidence? I don’t think so.

Where’s the team reference matter?
I’m still waiting for their accomplishments.

@CourtJester It’s Saturday night….so with your wife probably.

I’m sitting with my wife and she’s finding liberal replies without supporting facts as comical as me.

We love that you never support your statements. That says it all.

@CourtJester And I grieve for people like you, and especially their children, who are lost in a land of darkness where the lies of people like Trump become Gospel Truth. A place where climate change is a hoax and vaccines are more dangerous than viruses. Such people cannot be reached nor reasoned with, which is why I don’t waste my time anymore exposing you to evidence and argumentation in support of my statements. Many on this site have tried this approach with you without success. At which point, the only option left is mockery and derision. Basically, I’m following the advice of the atheist philosopher Daniel Dennett who said that “Some beliefs deserve to be ridiculed.” We listen to what people like you have to say, laugh to ourselves, shake our heads, and then just walk away.


I feel rather similarly about you.

And I grieve for people like you, and especially their children, who are lost in a land of darkness where the lies of people like Biden become Gospel Truth. A place where climate change is a beloved and can be fixed by higher taxes and personal restrictions and untested vaccines that don’t prevent a virus should be required. Such people cannot be reached nor reasoned with……..

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