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Shows like this aren't truly meant to be informative. Just like fox news its billed as entertainment. Sadly sometimes what they say is less entertaining and leans towards dangerous. I believe in freedom of speech of course. But if said speech results in another being physically hurt because some less than educated individual takes what was said and uses it to harm another. Then that person should be held accountable.

Freedom of speech is a basic human right BUT any usage needs to tempered with Truth and Facts rather than assumptions/innuendo and blatant falsehoods such as those spewed forth by that 'Radio Host.'


If the said conservative Radio Host were to have even bothered to actually read and study the history of human kind since the onset of religions such as Christianity, for example, then he/she would have learned and that found that :
a) bar none what-so-ever, religions, on the whole, have been the most Racist, Divisive, self-serving groups of ALL time and, in many cases, still are,
b) the ever so vaunted, Christian Bible itself preaches Racism and Ethnic Division, etc, ever so clearly WHEN actually read in FULL Context,
c) the 3 main Abrahamic Based Religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, via their 'holy' texts zealously indulged in the enslavement of those whom they deemed as being 'less' human than their texts purported them to be, etc,
d) there are passages/verses in the Christian Bible, for example and including the New Testament in particular, actually describing and condoning the treatment of not ONLY slaves but those of a different Race/Ethnicity as well.
Atheists, and I am one myself and haver been such since early childhood, on the majority are people, to best of my knowledge and understanding, ARE, for the most part, the most tolerant, non-racist/divisive people of all since we are guided by both our consciences and inherent, personal and social moralities rather than those imposed upon us by so-called 'Holy' Texts and the purveyors of said texts.
Yes, Atheists can be often quite vocal when faced with the tirades, etc, exuding from the 'Religious' and rightly so since we, the Atheists, do become quite annoyed when those said 'Believers' try to IMPOSE their beliefs upon us with the ever so apparent, regularity that is their 'stock in trade." And why shouldn't we? We are only human after all, are we not?


I would be inclined to believe that the majority of racists are quite religious.


Im glad his god isnt racist. We know theists don't all think the same. Im glad he clarifies in saying he doesnt think all atheists are racist. I have known someone who was an atheist and racist. People can be smart in some ways and not others..


Bullshit! Read your bible, there are so many examples of hating others because of their differences was mandated by God in the bible. The story of Noah specifically justifies racism against dark skinned people.


I am sorry to inform you that the Radio is one of the most last and uninformative sources of any type of sane or cognizant information.


Interesting. This particular radio hosts appears to be an idiot. There are plenty of conservative atheists and some of the most ridiculous racists I’ve ever known were liberals. The correlation between conservatism and racism is popular, but weak.

Eray Level 3 Apr 29, 2018

Tell me one bill passed by a conservative congress that has pushed racial equality?


“Apparently [KNUS-AM host Dan] Caplis is unfamiliar with the Ku Klux Klan, the Mormon church before 1980, and countless other good Christians and other theists over the ages who have used their belief in a god to justify racism, slavery, and all other manner of bigotry and discrimination.” Michael Stone, writing of Patheos.

This incident proves once again that many self-proclaimed theists aren’t particularly bright.


That's a wild claim even by conservative talk radio standards. I'm not sure how well it would fly with the conservative base given that many of them ARE racists and quite religious indeed. I wonder how many white supremacists who use the Christian cross as their symbol and require their members to be Christians, were also offended by this?


Well then conversely, all conservative radio host must be morons.


Hmm. Who exactly spearheaded slavery in the United States? What book justified their actions? Was slavery abolished because of Christianity or in spite of it? These are just a few questions I would ask this conservative.


They just make that stuff up....the fact that it makes no sense doesn't occur to them.

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