One gigantic 'domestic' cat. I'm envious!
HUGE Maine Coon Cat Kefir Is Bigger Than A Dog!
Maine Coon cat from Russia has proven that these cats can become stars all on their own!
Kefir is a giant Maine Coon that weighs 26.5 pounds. At less than 2 years old, Kefir is expected to grow even larger, since Maine Coons do not reach their full size until they are between 3 and 5 years old! Kefir is not just famous for being huge, though; he is also popular for his plush white coat and his sweet, loving personality.
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Interesting name for a cat. While one might think that the cat was named after the yogurt drink, popular in eastern Europe, if you remove the ‘e’ the word ‘kfir’ in Hebrew means ‘baby lion.’
That's a great name for a boy.
@Ryo1 It also happens to be the name of a legendary Israeli fighter jet, based on the French Mirage.
@p-nullifidian What? A fighter jet called 'baby lion'? Sounds a little timid.
@Ryo1 Yes, and he just can’t wait to be king!
Beautiful animal, but I'll keep my puny little 10 pounder
Formerly employed as a signalman in Capetown.