A.I. is HERE! And for now it's FREE!
This link took me to my first experience with this thing, and OMG!
Over the years I have written thousands of Excel Macros for all kinds of automated task, but never had time to document them.
I copied the macros, pasted them into the A.I. command prompt and it came out with professional level documentation a moment later that I pasted into the comments for my code.
Sometime with special purpose macros like the ones connecting to control equipment I lose track of how the code works and have to read it as if someone else wrote it.
The documentation reduces that review time to the time it takes to read the comments.
It also has knowledge of all things science, but it's old school textbook non speculative.
It is firm in it's identity as a digital assistant and will refuse to tell you how to break into a house, but it will tell you steps you can take to help prevent your house from being broken into.
Trust me it's worth a look, this thing is going to save me literally thousands of man hours at work writing code alone. It can also chat about terra-forming Mars or quantum mechanics, or how IGBT's allow us to change the frequency of three phase power.
They were talking about HIMARS in a war video, instead of google I asked the ChatGPT and it explained them perfectly.
I am impressed and hope no one ever builds an evil version...
Watch this video first...
Here's the link I use to get to ChatGPT.
Since this has to do with tech, seems like this [datasn.io] website would be of interest to folks in this thread.
WAY cool! I just hope the availability of information can educate in a way that counteracts the high level of ignorance we seem to be drowning in.
I wish I understood all this stuff, as it's all Greek to me sadly.
Same here.
Me to ChatGPT: I hear that atheism is the belief that there is no God.
ChatGPT to me: Atheism is not necessarily the belief that there is no higher power or divine being. In its broadest sense, atheism can be defined as the absence of belief in a higher power or divine being. This means that an atheist is someone who does not hold a belief in a higher power or divine being, rather than someone who actively believes that such a being does not exist.
There is a difference between "I believe there's no God" and "I don't believe there's a God." The former is a statement of active belief, in which the individual is expressing their conviction that a higher power or divine being does not exist. The latter is a statement of absence of belief, in which the individual is stating that they do not hold a belief in a higher power or divine being, but are not necessarily convinced of its absence.
By not holding a belief in a higher power or divine being, an individual is able to remain open to new evidence or perspectives on the existence of such a being. This allows them to be objective and unbiased in their evaluation of the evidence, rather than being committed to a particular position or belief.
In summary, atheism is not necessarily the belief that there is no higher power or divine being. Rather, it is the absence of belief in a higher power or divine being. This means that an atheist is someone who does not hold a belief in a higher power or divine being, rather than someone who actively believes that such a being does not exist.
Me to ChatGPT: create for me a poem of woe that a goth person might compose for a song...
ChatGPT to me:
In the darkness of my soul
I am lost and all alone
My heart is heavy with sorrow
And I am consumed by woe
I wander through this bleak existence
With no light to guide my way
I am trapped in a never-ending nightmare
And I fear that I will never see the light of day
My tears are like a river
Flowing endlessly into the night
I am haunted by my sorrow
And I fear that I will never find my way
But still I hold on to hope
And I keep on fighting
For I know that one day
My sorrow will be lifted
And I will be free once again.
Me to ChatGPT: That had an uncharacteristic hopeful twist for no apparent reason at the end there.
ChatGPT to me: Yes, the poem includes a hopeful twist at the end in order to provide a sense of resolution and closure. This is a common technique in poetry, and can be used to add depth and complexity to the poem.
In this case, the hopeful twist at the end of the poem serves to contrast with the bleak and sorrowful tone of the rest of the poem. By introducing a note of hope at the end, the poem suggests that the narrator's sorrow and despair may not be permanent, and that there may be a way out of their suffering.
This contrast between sorrow and hope can create a sense of tension and suspense within the poem, and can make the resolution at the end feel more satisfying and meaningful. It can also add a layer of complexity and depth to the poem, by exploring the different emotions and experiences that the narrator is going through.
In summary, the inclusion of a hopeful twist at the end of the poem serves to add depth and complexity to the poem, and to provide a sense of resolution and closure. It creates a contrast between sorrow and hope, and suggests that the narrator's suffering may not be permanent.
For those who tend to be pedantic this thing is FABulous!!!!! It's precise and extrapolates. Also can make it even easier to fall into more rabbit holes of information! As a bit of a procrastinator this could get me into a lot of trouble LOL!