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DISCLAIMER: I'm no legal scholar but I didn't write this. I merely believe it to be true.

rainmanjr 8 Dec 13

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You are correct. They're are way too many people that don't understand this. These are rights granted by the government that the government promises not to infringe upon.

"Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech..."

That shit doesn't say anything about the terms of service for Twitter. It's really not that hard to understand. Then again, look at who's too stupid to get it. These are people who still support a man who attempted a coup and is openly saying he wants to try again. These are some dumb, anti-American motherfuckers we're talking about here.

They way one shows them the door is by no longer being an audience member, giving them PR, or buying their product. I don't run into many Dems who have such discipline so dumb goes both ways.

@rainmanjr You don't find that to be some disingenuous equivocation? I'm not even sure what specific things on the left you're referring to that they lack discipline for, but it can't possibly hold a candle to 'supporting a man who wants to end the democracy and freedom you've professed to love your entire adult life's. If I'm off base, please correct me. What thing is a vast majority of people on the left doing that's even half as dumb as that?

@ChestRockfield By not properly boycotting and stopping the PR for offending companies we do nothing to stop them except openly complain. That often doesn't work and can be said to be as dumb.

@rainmanjr Companies?

@ChestRockfield Yeah. Privately held entities fucking over the public. A company (sometimes called a Corporation).

@rainmanjr I'm not sure what not boycotting companies has to do with this, or how that's in any way on par with continuing to support someone who wants to overthrow the government. Furthermore, after Citizens United and the like, companies can be terrible without anyone even knowing. And even then, that's all because of the Republicans anyway, so I'm really at a loss on figuring out what your point is.

@ChestRockfield I'm saying to boycott them. Do not give them PR. Why does every issue has to be reciprocal to overthrowing the government? CU has nothing to do with choking off their revenues and fame. Bill Clinton ended Glass-Steigal and Fair Communication Act so it's not all about the Cons (who are Theocrats in waiting). Meditate on it and maybe it will come.

@rainmanjr Why am I contrasting them? Because unfortunately, we live with a system of government dominated by Duverger's Law. You can call it the lesser of two evils if you want, but a party willing to end the world's oldest democracy, and a party that isn't, is about the biggest difference there can be in my book. So whether or not democrats boycott a business they may or may not even know is bad (if it's even a choice for them, what if it's a utility company that has a monopoly in their area or any of a million other scenarios where someone wouldn't be able to avoid a good or service) seems like such a petty, nonsensical thing to talk about. And not for nothing, but any bad company you could be mad at dems for not boycotting, you can be sure as shit Republicans are also not boycotting. Hell, they're probably out giving them as much support as they can. There have been numerous times when dems tried to boycott, and that actually resulted in a huge boon for that company. Because of all of these factors, your anger is misplaced and counterproductive. Maybe you can meditate on that?

@ChestRockfield That is some rant. Just so you know, America no longer gets me angry. We're a pathetic nation no matter who runs it so I've already meditated on anger. My complaint about Dems, in relation to free speech, is that they do a lot of complaining but most won't effectively boycott a company. If not effective then the company wins. I said this about Limbaugh, Jones, and others but a Dem friend (who has left me) blew off this complaint. Fine. Don't be effective. You win. LMFAO.

@rainmanjr Again, you recognize that Republicans are near 50% of Americans and generally when Dems boycott a business, Republicans more than make up for the losses, right? Can you show me any evidence of Democratic boycotts that put a company out of business, or at minimum, severely hurt it?

@ChestRockfield I know one: Apartheid. More importantly, I don't know of a single empire that fell from participation with it. Companies are little empires and the bird is more vulnerable than most as it operates on participation. They way to damage the bird is by not participating but I doubt Democrats will do it. There's an element of fun in the hunt that we don't like admitting to. Ignoring Musk would not mean he goes away quickly but his site would crash and solve the entire problem for us. Sort of like a Patriot would do to Moscow. In the end, I think everyone would thank us.

@rainmanjr Apartheid is a company in the United States that Democrats put out of business with a boycott? I think you're confused.

And how do you think Twitter dying (which, again, it wouldn't when there would still be a massive segment of the population that would use it. That segment would also grow significantly if all liberals left the platform and it became a bastion of hate speech and misinformation they all love so much) would "solve our entire problem"??

Also, companies fail all the time while people still participate with it. And, AGAIN, actively boycotting companies in the US on political grounds often times helps the business. Seriously, what don't you get about that? Please, read this quote:
"Analyzing purchasing data from market research company Numerator, they found that Goya’s net sales rose by about 22% during the two weeks after the controversy erupted. The researchers also examined county-level election results from the 2020 presidential season and saw that sales rose far more in Republican-dominated counties than in Democratic counties.

While the sales jump in Republican areas may have reflected the general publicity surrounding Goya, it more likely showed purchases by politically motivated first-time Goya buyers supporting Unanue’s pro-Republican message, Liaukonytė said."


I wonder how much of that 22% jump in sales turned into donations to Donald Trump??

I've seen this kind of thing happen more often than not. If you want to help solve the problems we have in this area, please be rational in your approach and stop equivocating.

@ChestRockfield Apartheid was solved with a boycott. I stopped reading at that point as you're obviously trying to be argumentative. I'm not in a mood for that but thanks for playing.

@rainmanjr I asked you for a company in America that went out of business because of a boycott by democrats. You starting talking about racist motherfuckers losing control of a government halfway around the world almost 30 years ago from intense global economic sanctions. I was highlighting the fact that you didn't even kind of answer my question.

I used to think you were a reasonable person. 😔

@ChestRockfield You win, dude. I'm out.

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