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LINK Schools lose fight for anonymity after censored tours at human rights museum

(LOL You would think they'f be proud to put their names out there and proud of what they believed instead of trying to hide it.)

Two Christian schools that asked the Canadian Museum for Human Rights to censor the LGBTQ section of the museum when they visited for field trips have lost a lawsuit to keep their names out of the news.

Between 2015 and 2017, the museum catered to the bigoted whims of faith-based schools. Tour guides, some of whom were LGBTQ themselves, were told not to show certain students any content that might offend their religious sensibilities, including a section on same-sex marriage. It put those staffers in the awkward position of having to shield students from an important part of Canadian history because their bosses wanted admission fees more than they wanted to educate students.

To put that another way, an organization supposedly dedicated to “preserving and promoting” Canada’s human rights heritage (both inspiring and ugly) was willingly erasing that heritage if a handful of bigots didn’t like it. It made as much sense as a science museum cordoning off a section about evolution to appease Creationists. It would have been much easier—and more principled—to tell those schools that the facts are the facts, and if they couldn’t handle the truth, their money should go elsewhere and their students deserve better.

After CBC News reported that story, the museum promised to never again adapt tours at the request of religious schools and CEO John Young announced that he would be stepping down after his term ended.

But there was another story brewing at the same time. When the CBC was reporting on the censorship, they issued a public records request to find out which Christian schools had requested the Don’t-Show-Us-Gay-Stuff tour. The schools in question went to court to prevent the museum from releasing that information.

snytiger6 9 Dec 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Hiding stuff like that is part of the reason this country is behind & fucked up.


Snowflake Evangelicals are soooo tiresome. It's not that hard, teach your freaking kids to avert their eyes if there's something you don't want them to see.

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