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LINK Chris Hedges: Israel & the Rise of a New Fascism

"The mask is being lifted from the face of Israel’s apartheid state, exposing a grinning death’s head that portends the obliteration of the few restraints against killing Palestinians."

WilliamCharles 8 Dec 22

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“We came and turned the native Arabs into tragic refugees. And still we dare to slander and malign them, to besmirch their name. Instead of being deeply ashamed of what we did and trying to undo some of the evil we committed… we justify our terrible acts and even attempt to glorify them.”

— Nathan Chofshi; Russian Jewish writer who migrated to Palestine in 1908. He witnessed the expulsion of the Palestinian Arabs and wrote critically about it as late as 1959.


" is the only democracy in the Middle East, that it seeks a peaceful settlement with the Palestinians in a two-state solution, ..." (There is another democracy in the middle east? Lebanon? Have the Palestinians ever sought a two-state solution?)

"Since the mid-1970s, there's been an international consensus for resolving the Israel-Palestine conflict. [...] It's called a two-state settlement, and a two-state settlement is pretty straightforward, uncomplicated. Israel has to fully withdraw from the West Bank and Gaza and Jerusalem, in accordance with the fundamental principle of international law, [...] that it's inadmissible to acquire territory by war. The West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem, having been acquired by war, it's inadmissible for Israel to keep them. They have to be returned. On the Palestinian side and also the side of the neighboring Arab states, they have to recognize Israel's right to live in peace and security with its neighbors. That was the quid pro quo: recognition of Israel, Palestinian right to self-determination in the West Bank and Gaza with its capital in Jerusalem. That's the international consensus. It's not complicated. It's also not controversial."

~ Norman Finkelstein

" accordance with the fundamental principle of international law, [...] that it's inadmissible to acquire territory by war." seems to conflict with "...Arab states, they have to recognize Israel's right to live in peace". Palestinian factions say they want to enact the same ethnic cleansing they accuse the Israelis of and have no interest in tolerating the existence of Israel. Contemplating non-existence is a non-starter for the Israelis. Sincere negotiation remains off the table where both sides threaten the existence of the other. Only one side insists that the other must be wiped out. It is that value that engenders the repression.

@racocn8 - your take is hopelessly one-sided. The UN gave away someone else's land from which the invaders created an apartheid state. The international consensus is that that is what it is. Only the US (with a permanent UN veto) and a small handful of its lackey nations support apartheid Chosanistan.

We don't even enforce the goddamn Symington Amendment. Israel is a rogue nuclear nation, and as such is prohibited from getting most US aid. Let them learn to murder on their own fucking dime. Might be just the thing that gets them to stop.

The notion of an Islamic group complaining that another culture practices bigotry will always evoke a sideways look. How are Palestinians treated in surrounding Islamic countries?

Since you bring up the international scene, it sounds like Israel is developing improved relations with many of its neighbors (Israel being more technologically proficient), and as the neighbors have tired of waiting for the Palestinians to negotiate a peace.

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