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The FBI seeks to manipulate public opinion via social media.
Is this their role?
Fascism in the 21st century.

puff 8 Dec 25

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The FBI has been a thoroughly politicized arm of the swamp all my life, nothing new.

They have always used plausible deniability but now there is hard evidence so I would not let this lie. They are biased towards keeping democrats in power atm, but in future they may be biased in keeping even more fascist parties in power. Don't let this precedent stand.


Add it to the long list of psych ops, covert programs, asset programs, infiltration programs, dirty tricks, and general illegal activities of your 'law enforcement' and spy agencies going back to the beginning, for which they are never held accountable, even when innocent people die, and for which your corrupt binary political party system provides protection and coverage, because of course they do.


45 appointed the guy. We already know that 45 is a Fascist.

Think perhaps Trump is irrelevant. Is it the FBI's role to manipulate domestic public opinion on social media?
Trump's been out of power 2 years now, can't keep blaming him forever.
Trump just took advantage of a fascist environment that was already present. Solution? Tear up the Patriot Act

@puff I agree with tearing up PATRIOT Act but I'll blame 45 for anything he's directly responsible for. He appointed Rey because the previous guy wasn't obeying him. This is now what we live with. Look, liberals had to contend with Hoover so it goes around.

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