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I can tell you that the lone pol from Iowa is pissing in the wind at the state legislature, where she will serve, since Iowa is very much a one party state these days, and the Repub Party here is very controlled by the religious right. My state is very religious, and intolerant as well, of those who are non-religious. No doubt this official happened to be from one of the very few districts in the state that is blue and not so religious.

@OldMetalHead I live in one of the few urban areas of the state, where people mostly vote Dem. The other rare islands of that are uni towns and a large city on the eastern border of the state. So what happens in every statewide election, is the Dems run up the score with huge wins in those areas, but that is always wiped out by the rural voters, who make up the majority of the population here.


Ah well, Kentucky is absent on the list.


Good read, and loved the list of non believers in state offices all over the Country. Thanks for posting!!

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