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'The last three years will go down in history as a time when the medical-industrial-complex mounted a war against our children, closing schools, masking and isolating kids . . . And most recently, authorizing COVID bivalent vaccines for babies as young as 6 months old, with zero data for this age group.

Despite these disasters, 2022 will go down in history as a year of unprecedented growth for the medical freedom movement.

We have the momentum now to take back our country, reclaim our freedom, and protect our children.

Throughout the pandemic, mainstream and legacy media have devolved into the servile scribes of Big Pharma and its captive public health agencies.

That fact makes this recent New York Times headline — “Opposition to School Vaccine Mandates Has Grown Significantly, Study Finds” — all the more extraordinary.
Beneath the headline, The Times wrote: “A third of parents now feel they should be the ones to decide whether to get their children immunized against measles, mumps and other childhood diseases.”

This reporting represents a staggering break from The Times’ mindless and consistent parroting of the “safe and effective” narrative … and its relentless vilification of anyone who dares question the official orthodoxy.

It also shows that we are winning in the court of public opinion.

It’s shameful that it took hundreds of thousands of injuries and deaths from vaccines that never should have been released into the market — much less mandated — to shine a long-overdue light on the issue of vaccine safety.

But thanks to your support of our work in the arenas of law, science, public education and advocacy, we’ve created new opportunities to protect America’s children.

For the first time since this COVID vaccine nightmare began, there are clear signs that the medical cartel’s propaganda offensive is crumbling.
In 2022, the courts ruled against President Biden’s draconian mandate for federal workers.

They ruled against Pfizer and the FDA’s attempt to hide critical documents from the public.

They ruled against the Washington, D.C. school district’s plan to vaccinate kids as young as 11 without parental consent.

And just this month, Congress passed a bill that struck down the COVID vaccine mandate for members of the U.S. Armed Forces.

As we near the end of 2022, we deserve to celebrate these victories, each one born of dogged determination and raw courage in the face of unprecedented intimidation.

However, as we look to a new year, we see a steep hill.
Because as we grow stronger, the industrial-medical-biosecurity complex is upping the ante with ever-more sophisticated surveillance infrastructure and new ways to obliterate dissent.

Our adversaries are ruthless, craven, and relentless . . . They’ve turned this decades-long battle for medical freedom into a battle for the soul of our democracy.

But I know we can win this fight.

We had a revolution once in this country that nobody believed we could win.

We have another one now, and with your support, we’re going to win it.'

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Chairman, Children’s Health Defense

BDair 8 Dec 30

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At least that's the most cogent argument against the vaccines that I've seen (to date) but the alternative is bringing back common diseases like measles and polio. Doesn't matter to me what people die of, or how hard their lives are, because I have no connection to you all. If you win this big issue then enjoy the death and suffering. Hopefully your kids will get sick, too.

There is no conclusive evidence that any vaccines are essential.

Analysis of health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children: Developmental delays, asthma, ear infections and gastrointestinal disorders -

Wouldn't wish anyone illness, yet diseases and viruses is naturally all part of living and dying simultaneously.
It's ultimately what each individual chooses for their own autonomy health. If your not getting what BD is studing and expressing. Then your not getting most of the world's population refusing to get fully vaccinated.
It's Big Pharma and politicians mandates is against the constitution and the crime of the century for me too.

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