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Texas liquor stores closed for 61 hours. They closed Saturday night a 9pm and won't open until Tuesday at 10am. Laws be laws, even odd ones.


Beowulfsfriend 9 Jan 1

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TX was and may still be strange.

In the 1960's my wife and I lived in Houston, then in Austin. If we wanted liquor with a restaurant meal, we had to bring the liquor in a bottle and the waiters had to pour it into glasses.

Oklahoma was that way for many years.


That little experiment called Prohibition did not stop people from drinking is just gave us organized crime. This nation was not founded on religious rules and the production of alcohol was one way to use a perishable crop. Corn was made into liquor it was a money maker.
End of the year stocking up puts a nice boost on the bottom line.

Prohibition never works. During Covid knockdowns, South Africa tried that - don't know what the point was - and an underground booze industry was born. Even my old state, Pennsylvania, let people order and do curb pickup.

@Beowulfsfriend I know NJ had state liquor stores and when I moved to WA hard liquor could only be bought at state stores but beer and wine could be purchased in supermarkets and convience stores.

@silverotter11 Similar to Pennsylvania, except they have beer distributors as well. Now, some grocery and convenience stores can sell up to 2 six packs.

@Beowulfsfriend A couple of years back there was a big push by Safeway and Costco, etc. to get aballot measure on to get a vote from the people if WA State should allow hard liquor sales in stores.
The cmapaign by the big box stores and grocers was huge all of them telling the consumer booze would be cheaper.
Of course that was not going to happen, the state just put extra tax on the booze so it would not loose any of the tax money it received when it was only sold in state stores.


I don't think we have any state owned liquor stores in my state. You can buy liquor pretty much anywhere, Costco, Safeway, Target, gas station mini marts, etc. Anyone planning to party, it's usually BYOB, so folks stock up.

States have different laws. I lived most of my life in Pennsylvania, and they only recently started selling beer in convenience stores. I remember when bars could open on Sundays, if they sold food - lots of those hotdog machines appeared.
Here in Illinois, Costco, etc. Stock up.

Liquor stores in Texas are privately-owned businesses. Wine and beer can be bought in convenient stores and grocery stores.

@Beowulfsfriend They always sold beer in delis if they purchased an R1 license. I remember you had to sell a certain amount of food for Sunday sales. Bars would usurp that by paying sales tax on the amount needed to reflect that. Back in 1960s the blue laws were so strict, everything was closed in PA. You couldn't go out to eat in PA. They couldn't sell beer at Steelers and Eagles games at one time because they were on Sunday. Some of these laws are still on the books, they just don't enforce them.


Don't those stupid motherfuckers know that people will just stock up?

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