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Fauci did not fund gain of function research in China
godfree2 6 Jan 3

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Beware of DAT (Disinformation Antivax Trolls)!

Be sure to assess the person first.
If antivax ...
I call them

@godfree2 Have a look back through his posts on his profile. Mostly antivax with no supporting evidence.

@LovinLarge That is the point. There is no evidence covid medicines provide meaningful immunity. If you claim to be a vaccine, this should be a given eg vax's for polio, rubella, smallpox etc

@puff There is a plethora of evidence supporting vaccine immunity available to anyone who is balanced enough not to be a desperate conspiracy theorist absent a fundamental understanding of the significance of evidence.


He did write a paper supporting that type of research []fauci-argued-benefits-gain-function-185934217.html
He approved funding for the company which did do that research []
Who funds the CDC?

He is a flawed human like the rest of us. But he has questions to answer regarding his decision making as head of the CDC.

puff Level 8 Jan 3, 2023

He is nowhere near as flawed as you.


The CDC is an American organization. You are not an American. He doesn't answer to you.

I do not think bombarding mice with a pathogen resulting in [sic] weight loss is gain-of-function. Global experts in the field also state it was not gain-of-function research

@LovinLarge If the CDC was involved in causing a world wide pandemic, I think it does concern all.

@puff The reason you RWNJ's are so ready to assign a lack of principles to others even absent any evidence is because you yourselves have no principles.


We shall see. Seems someone did.

puff Level 8 Jan 3, 2023
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