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The latest revelations raise “the question of how Britain can plausibly claim not to be a formal belligerent in the war,” author Kit Klarenberg

British military using illegal spy tech in Ukraine – Grayzone []

FrayedBear 9 Jan 4

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Uh, yeah
Spying, espionage is by definition an illegal activity, using unorthodox means including stolen data, murder, torture, blackmail and corruption.
All countries participate in the great lies that no country actually indulges in it and that all countries do not know that that all countries lie about this.
Time was that the penalty for spying was death, but today a compromised agent is simply traded to another country (not necessarily the one he or she came from in the first place) for the return of one of their own and the whole game starts over again.


War is a very profitable business. Why the surprise that non direct participants are cashing in on it? milking the cash cow while thy can is an accept, tried and true business concept. Their is no right or wrong nor morals or ethics in war, just like a spiders web, radiating from the core, a web of opportunity and profit for all.

Quite funny considering the Russians, through their KGB, were in the good ol' days, renowned for spying on foreign visitors in hotels, embassies & other places.

"Their is no....."?

@Alienbeing just perpetrators of crimes against humanity. The country with the greatest number of perpetrators being China followed by the USA.

@FrayedBear Your opinion is noted....... and dismissed as usual.

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