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LINK Ark. judge arrested, accused of asking defendant’s girlfriend for sex to expedite trial

CLARENDON, Ark. (WMC) - An Arkansas judge is accused of soliciting bribes to expedite a defendant’s trial.

Thomas David Carruth, 63, was arrested Thursday over an incident stemming from April 2022.

Investigators say Carruth solicited sex from a defendant’s girlfriend in exchange for expediting the defendant’s trial date.

Carruth also allegedly lied to FBI agents when probed about the alleged bribe.


snytiger6 9 Jan 7

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Castration, debarment, and imprisonment.

Please remind me not to piss you off. 🙂

@Betty ((Hugs)) and ❤

@anglophone You are just too sweet. 🙂


The judge should be thrown off the bench and go prison for 5 years.


Since it's the Feds who got him, something might get done. I wouldn't trust Arkansas local police and DAs to do shit.


Appointed under 45/Mitch?

That was my first thought too.

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