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LINK Hakeem Jefferies A-Z Speech To the 118th Congress

Hakeem Jeffries ripped piece of shit Republicans a new asshole. He went from A to Z. "Maturity over Mar-a-Lago" my favorite.

barjoe 9 Jan 7

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Woo-Hoo! ❤


Thanks for posting that clip. With the time difference, I got to see it live in prime time here, and I remember thinking his A-Z list was catchy!

Regarding this speech, I saw this bit of transcript:

In this moment of transition, he said, the American people want to know what direction the Congress will choose. The Democrats offer their hand to Republicans to find common ground, Jeffries said, but we will never compromise our principles.

"House Democrats will always put:

American values over autocracy,
benevolence over bigotry,
the Constitution over the cult,
democracy over demagogues,
economic opportunity over extremism,
freedom over fascism,
governing over gaslighting,
hopefulness over hatred,
inclusion over isolation,
justice over judicial overreach,
knowledge over kangaroo courts,
liberty over limitation,
maturity over Mar-a-Lago,
normalcy over negativity,
opportunity over obstruction,
people over politics,
quality of life issues over QAnon,
reason over racism,
substance over slander,
triumph over tyranny,
understanding over ugliness,
voting rights over voter suppression,
working families over the well-connected,
xenial over xenophobia,
‘yes, we can’ over ‘you can’t do it,’ and
zealous representation over zero-sum confrontation.

We will always do the right thing by the American people.”


What a great speech!!!

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