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Doing outdoor work on Jan 7 in shorts, sandals, and no shirt almost makes living in this shithole tolerable.

Secretguy 7 Jan 7

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That's what I have been doing all week in Spain.


Yeah? You are below sea level & it rolls down the hill. Get out yesterday! Give it back to the bayou.


here in Connecticut i have been doing the same thing lately, and not having to live in a shithole!
well, okay, i wore a shirt.........


Not as good as being in the Australian outback: sandals, a wide brimmed hat, and nothing else. /@Betty

I love Australia though I've not done the outback.

@Secretguy Give yourself three months if you want to tour it properly.

You must at least have your birthday suit on, I can't see you going out as a skeleton. 😁


What shithole is that?

His bio says New Orleans.

@anglophone NOLA is a great city.

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