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Re: Transgenderism
Hard to argue with sensible logic. 😏

Captain_Feelgood 8 Jan 9

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Sometimes it's too easy to get the tards into an uproar. πŸ˜„

Damn Linda Carter was hot...

@SpikeTalon Yeah she was.... and still is as far as I'm concerned. 😁


It’s also hard to argue with wastrels that choose not to open their woke pathetic minds to sensible logic

Really like that statement 'so openminded their brains fall out'.. πŸ˜„


She is in part wrong and part correct. Wrong in that. We have inherited a strange idea, based on the primitive understandings of those Bronze Age shepherds again, that sex is a simple binary. That is clearly false, and does not even have the backing of all tradition, since several old cultures held that there were more than one, binary is just a feature of the Abrahamic tradition. See Seagreeneyez below. For that reason the speaker is wrong. But she is correct in that allowing people to self identify as whatever sex they like, is not ALWAYS, just or valid. The law needs to recognize that not only are there are several sexes and genders, but also that there are several ways to identify which one you belong to.

Just as in most countries laws recognizes that there are several ways to have a house, at least, homeless, homeowner, tenant, lease holder, sub-tenant, squat etc. And would not allow you to self identify as homeless, to claim a social security payment made to the homeless, if you in fact lived in a house you owned.

So that with gender/sex, you could use for example, use self identification for entry on a marriage certificate, ( Though you could just ignore sex for that.) and a blood test for the presence of a Y Chromosome in sports, we already do blood tests for drugs, so it is no big extra. ( And stop calling sports male and female anyway. Call them X and Y sports. )


Sooooooo, no molecular genetist has ever been a racist homophobic asshole? just like YOU.....


A medical fact All fetuses start off as female!
Another medical fact Things do not always go according to plan. there are mutations and errors that occur.
Perhaps there are multiple factors which have seen a rise in gender issues or maybe it is because the world population is larger in numbers, so more noticeable?
Even in those who desire to be the opposite sex, I ask who has the right to dictate how someone else lives their lives? What right has anyone got to dictate how others live? What makes these detractors/ dictators a superior being? (in their own feeble minds)
Isn't their own life difficult enough without living other peoples lives?


There is xx chromosome and there is xy chromosome. There are organs that produce sperm and there are organs that produce eggs.

Someones persona can be different than stereotype of their physical design. If someone wants to act like what ever persona, let them act like what ever persona.

In things like prison situations, for which I have worked. They should go with the physical evidence of sperm or egg producer. Let people act their persona however they want within reason, but persona that a person has doesn't change their gamete production type.

Word Level 8 Jan 9, 2023

@SeaGreenEyez yes, I understand things you refer to as syndromes. Are you saying all transgender political issues is because of syndrome chromosome issues?

@Word I wouldn't expect a sensical response if I were you. She is deterred from reality by her political agenda.😏


The first few lines were a study in false arguments, no need to listen further. Just a bigot saying things other bigots will agree with. Thanks again for self owning!

And once again the perverted republican obsession with other people's genitals on full display.

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