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More than a dozen special operations soldiers at the center of a drug trafficking probe. Here is that article. If you want to go down a rabbit hole, just go to Google and type in military drug smuggling. A lot have been caught. And those are the most current and the ones reported and not handled internally.
Side note: when i was in the Navy, we got a guy shipped to us from an East coast carrier; we were on a West coast carrier. We worked in the intelligence offices - CVIC. He was one of a handful not arrested for plans to smuggle hash back from a Mediterranean cruise in Top Secret safes. Of course, officers and higher ranking NCOs had to be involved to make that plan work. I don't know how they got caught. I do know that on my first cruise, when we were heading stateside, I was sent TAD (temporarily assigned duty) to be a fully sworn in customs inspector (2 days of training and 2 weeks of gravy work). Because i had a TS clearance, I got to sit on an atomic bomb.


Beowulfsfriend 9 Jan 11

Enjoy being online again!

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I was security for uploaded jets and touched one. Not as cool as doing a Dr Strangelove but still felt odd. There's lots of rule breaking to go around and corruption at high levels is just a higher form of it.

I didn't have my hat ad were at sea. At the time, first thing I was thinking was that film. A few times I observed the bombs when they were loaded and off loaded. The Marines set up a machine gun nests on two sides of building just past the pier.


I served in the 70s, corruption and theft was common. I doubt it's changed much, why would it?

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