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Yesterday I began taking Yoga lessons from my daughter Claire, 32.

We used Skype. She will teach me yoga twice a week.

Claire was kind, patient, calm, thoughtful, well prepared and wonderful. I was amazed Claire could sit in Lotus position. I can barely sit with my legs crossed. Have always had trouble with that.

"I feel honored and touched that we get to experience this together," Claire texted afterward. "You did wonderful! My first student."

Today I feel like a wood puppet whose joints were pulled apart. Yoga classes have not gone well for me in the past. An example:

Yoga Oaf

November 3, 2017

Forty-eight hours after hiking 16 miles with 5,009' of elevation gain, I joined a yoga class for the first time. Legs were extremely stiff and sore. Hello lactic acid. We meet again.

"I have great balance," I bragged to the teacher, thinking of hiking. Not in yoga. Try standing on one foot with the other leg straight out at a 45-degree angle. "Hold and breathe deeply." I could manage two seconds before collapsing.

The teacher used Sanskrit names for yoga poses. "Get ready for Ardha Baddha Parivrtta Malasana." Huh? Whatever happened to "downward dog"?

I was spectacularly inept. Announcing I was crooked, the Yoga teacher repeatedly marched over to straighten my body. It was embarrassing. Felt like a warped oaf.

At the end of class we all laid on the floor for three minutes. "Finally, something I'm competent at," I quipped. Everyone laughed. We were supposed to be meditating.

All I could think of was how cold and hard the floor felt. Shivering, I longed to grab a blanket but didn't want to disturb anyone’s sacred meditation.

The longest three minutes of my life.

Photo: Claire, 32, and me on a floating dock on the Columbia River, WA. August 2022.

LiterateHiker 9 Jan 14

Enjoy being online again!

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That's awesome that you're taking yoga lessons from your daughter, Claire! It sounds like she's a great teacher who is helping you feel comfortable with the practice.


Another bit of heads up - if standing on one leg is not easy try butt clenches! For some reach with overly tight tendons I overlook the the butt muscle. I get into working on the thigh muscles thinking that's the problem when really it is lack of butt muscle strength. Don't think I'll ever be able to twerk (like why would I want to?) but as far as balance and standing one leg you really need those gluts


Good tip on clenching those butt muscles. I appreciate it.

Your comment about twerking is hilarious!


I have done yoga, and enjoyed it. I really should get back into it, it is great for flexibility. And yes, standing on one foot is hard. I am lucky now to get more than 10 seconds. I used to be able to hold the pose longer. Your previous instructor sounds like pill. They should never make you feel bad or single you out. Yoga is a practice, no one is perfect at first, or even second attempt. Build into it gradually. There are lots of online resources as well. Keep it up, I think you will come to like it more, and especially with Claire as your buddy/instructor.


Your daughter is as beautiful as you are. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Jan 14, 2023


Thank you, dear!


I have found my twin🤣🤣🤣! I've had the same tightness all my life that makes it very hard to sit in the Lotus position. Never could do splits. I could ace certain things but yoga is not one of them. Good luck, fine your own pace.
I forget the name of the tendon that goes from the hip to the knee, it's the one they have to get around when they replace your hip. After surgery the doctor came in to check on me and one of the things he commented on was the fact he'd seen some tight ones before but mine was the tightest, otherwise the surgery went great. I do need to get back to my stretching exercises.


I have the same problem. Super-tight tendons that run from my groin to the knee.

@LiterateHiker I over stretched that connection at the groin on my right side. It still sometimes aches.
BE VERY CAREFUL!! But do enjoy the time with Claire!!!


Thanks for the heads-up. I will be careful.

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