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LINK An Iowa Official's Wife Is Charged With 52 Counts of Voter Fraud In US House Race

You have to scroll down to find the big surprise! She is a piece of shit Republican! What's the chance her fucking husband had no idea about the fraud? 52 counts of voter fraud? Wouldn't that he election fraud?

barjoe 9 Jan 15

Enjoy being online again!

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It will be election fraud if she's found guilty. I hope she is but, until then, she is not. Have we not learned about accusations and mockery before the final fact yet? Google documents.



What was she hoping to accomplish?
Was she hoping that in an outrageous!y close race her extra few votes could make a difference?

If she wanted to help him, she should have spent legitimate time with the campaign (for all I know she did).
Acting illegally like that did basically nothing except damage his reputation and set him and especially her up for punishment. 😡

Please don't expect dimwits, particularly Republican dimwits, to be able to use their brains.


Should she spend 52 weeks in the slammer?


I’m glad she wasn’t a piece of shit, or any other kind, of Democrat.

For double points, I’ll write stuff like that. (grin)

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