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LINK DeSantis Blocks African American Studies, Breaking Florida’s Anti-CRT Law

Started with "Don't Say Gay" now it has gone to "Don't Say Black".

barjoe 9 Jan 19

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Take a close look at the saltire composing the Florida flag and tell me what it reminds you of:

I'm not sure.


The article was not very descriptive of what was rejected.

Black history is American history.

@barjoe Yes, and so??? What is your point?


Well, hatred and racism are OK if sanctioned by law. @@

You do know we still don’t have laws explicitly criminalizing slavery? That’s why privatized prisons get paid by the month for each prisoner and they are free to work them at slave wages typically under a dollar an hour.
Passing an anti slavery law that criminalizes the institution would remove the financial incentive for private prisons and the industry would collapse.

@Willow_Wisp Excellent point. Just recently watched the documentary 13th which brought that point home. Michelle Alexander was one of the contributors. Her book The New Jim Crow is also important. As an offshoot of Derrick Bell, her work fits well within the umbrella of CRT, in a good way: []

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