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Well the world turns, and strange things happen. Here for example is some health advice which tells you about things that you should eat, not things you have to do without.


Fernapple 9 Jan 21

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Man 🙁
I had a lengthy discussion w my sister last week ( face time ). My sister is the brains in the family , the doctor , and I am lazy AND a freak 🤡
All my life I ate nothing than nuts , tomatoes and mozzarella and goat cheese , bread , pasta , tones of olive oil / lemon / vinegar , steak , and all the spinach / lettus / and peas and eggplants and peppers . And chocolate . Well . Nutela to be exact . That’s it . Pretty much . I eat once a day . So and my sister . My dad was the same way .
Coffee is the drink of choice for both of us , and white wine is an option if I am home or out w friends , 3 glasses later I am done and that’s maybe twice a month . Frangelico / shot after dinner if out and if these morons at restaurants here have it . That’s it .
Tell me y my cholesterol is 216 🙁, while 5.7 “ and 123 lbs 🙄
I was bitching to my sister , going back and Frwd that I refuse to take statin ( neurology wants me on it now / TIA ), and baby girl told me to calm my feathers down and then she asked me this :
If u were home , would u be checking your cholesterol ? Would u even give a damn ?
No . No ma’am . I ll be walking everywhere , stroll out at 2000 to meet friends for coffee , argue 2 hrs where we going to eat , land in some tavern w live music by 2200, eat like pigs , go to bed by 0200 bcz good company and laughs or sex , then open eyes by 0900 . R people have minimum of heart disease or strokes , and ain’t bcz what they eat . Medditarenian diet my ass Richard . No .
Is the way of living , stress , ability to connect and maintain friendships , people just don’t run w their head off since 0400 every day .
I am gonna side w my baby girl on that , eat whatever the hell u want in moderation and balance , salt / sugar in check , and keep unpleasant days to the minimum .

My thoughts exactly. I try to eat the best stuff when I easily can, in part because I tend to like the Med diet anyway, but I do not bother much at all.


Don't despair if mackerel isn't available.

Make do with smoked salmon, and caviar atop oysters.

Pair with a sparkling pinot noir chardonnay.


Very interesting! I find myself walking slower and slower up the stairs lately, so maybe I've got some mild inflammation going on. I will give these items a try to see if they help!

Most of these things I can easily find to add into my diet, except the mackerel. (So glad they incorporated "holy mackerel" into the article! Haha!) I currently add salmon, shrimp, ono, mahi mahi or other protein to my salads, so I'll have to compare those with what's in the mackerel.

I'm not a big fan of chocolate, dark or otherwise, so that will be the last thing I try to incorporate into my diet, but I'm sure I can do that too, somehow. We've got some cacao farms here, and "make your own chocolate bar" classes, with some dark chocolate products I could try.

I've seen supplements for ground flaxseed, so maybe I'll give that a try, too. Now I know how to spend my coupon at the local drug store this weekend!


All of these are a part of my diet (except the fish). One can get the omega's from flax seed. One thing consistently not discussed is the fact some people's body reacts to certain foods and that reaction can cause inflammation. I took, what is known as a blood anti-gen test. It showed a high reaction to all dairy and a lower reaction to soy, sesame and sunflower seeds and eggs. It has made a big improvement in my health.

Good advice.

Hi my ghosty friend!!


My cardiologist already has me on this diet. Cod and salmon are good sources of Omega 3 too. Avoid sugar at all cost! I don't like edemame, but other legumes are good for you, too.

Salmon often has mercury and because of this women living along the coast have been discovered to have mercury in their breast milk.

My last reply was from what is now my ghost! The day after this reply I could no longer log onto the site (admin does not help) so now I have had to be born again LOL Jack Apparently Lucyloohoo has had the same problem.

@jackjr Oh, no...that's awful! Have some points.

@Organist1 Wouldn't that be nice if you could give me some points. I still can see my old self and even react or reply but am missing all the messages I sent over all the years (including ours). Also, my ghost can't post.

@jackjr I wish I could understand why that happens.

@Organist1 I don't know but I do suspect it was because, early on, one could sign on with their FB account which I did. I made a password but bookmarked the original log on and always used it. Perhaps the FB log on no longer worked. It happened first from my laptop and then cell and the desktop was all that was left. Now that's gone so now I'm jr (which I really am. I tried to set up an account as lopezjack but was told that name already existed. lol

@Organist1 What's really odd is I can go back to some replies and make a reaction under my ghost name. Maybe doing this will keep that member alive for a while.

@JackPedigo XXXX


Will have to try mackerel one day.

Try smoked, its very tasty, and the smoking is slightly unhealthy, so you don't have to feel too guilty about going against your principles by taking health advice. It worked for me. LOL

@Fernapple I was just happy kale wasn't on the list. I am opposed to kale. My taste buds are failing so I need more flavorful foods now.

Roasted kale is yummyish.

Try slightly burning the roast vegetables for a flavour saviour.

See above for what to do if panic sets in when you can't find mackerel.

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