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LINK Bengals top Bills to earn 2nd straight AFC title game trip - ESPN Highlight Video

Who Dey Joe Cool, Chase, Mixon, Hurst, Offense, Defense. Cincinnati Bengals

HankHunter13 7 Jan 23

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personally, i'd love to see a bengals vs niners superbowl. so we can get our revenge for 2 losses in the 80's. but, i think the eagles are the team to come out of the nfc. we'll see.


Congratulations on your teams win! Cowboys lost last night but I knew they would! Lol

yeah, i think i heard that dallas hasn't even played in the nfc title game for 27 years. yikes. still less time than cincinnati had to wait. smirk

@HankHunter13 😂😂😂😂 Fucking Jerry Jones hasn't paid off the NFL, cheap asshole! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

@MichelleGar1 the Bengals and the Cowboys are the only 2 teams out of 32 that have no General Manager. Just rich assholes that can't even share management power. They're both cheap assholes. I have my doubts we can keep our quarter back, and lead receiver, let alone 2 or 3 receivers, come contract time, soon. But, for now, Who Dey.


The Eagles will take care of them.


I was hoping for a Bills win. The Eagles are my east coast team and the 49ers are my west coast team, I'll be rooting for the Eagles.
Here's were politics comes into play for me. During the Shrub2 years I refused to root for ANY Texass team. I still hold that rule.
We have some fine people in agnostic but I refuse to root for any Florida or Texas team. hahaha

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