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My mentor. Keep the enlightened ones locked away. The last thing gov needs is the truth being spread around. GOV said let's give them the Internet/blender of thoughts/speculations/opinions. The Internet should keep them good and confused for a long time. []

MichaelSanchuk 6 Jan 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Mentors are often counsellors.

Mentoring and counselling could be a valuable adjunct to learning.

Not from Charles Manson.


Neither of you could spell or define "enlightened" if you weren't able to copy it from somewhere. To revere severe mental illness is to forfeit your freedom.

Pure Evil.

@barjoe Possibly both of them


I've heard Charlie's bullshit over and over. He always said the same shpiel. That miserable bastard lived to be 83. Jay Seebring, Abigail Folger, Sharon Tate, Wojo Fryjowski, Steven Parent and the LaBianca couple didn't get such longevity.

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