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LINK PRC Spy Balloon Shot Down

Piece of Shit Republicans will still criticize Biden. He should've shot it down over their fucking church.

barjoe 9 Feb 4

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And who needs Amazon and it's delivery drones?


I'm surprised they didn't get their top gun, Mr Thomas Cruise, to do it. That'll teach those Chinese jokers not to mess with America. Think you can send your old balloons into America, do ya, well, just you think again! America doesn't fuck around with balloons... well, actually they sort of did.

Can someone please tell me they couldn't have attached something to it and brought it down slowly, you know, and studied it in tact? No sir. Shoot that sucker down. It's America.


Much ado about nothing.

Just an opportunity to blast Biden.

@barjoe Biden could say "don't eat yellow snow" and Fox and the GOP would tout its benefits.

Much ado about nothing is spot on, the reporting has been hilarious (here in Thailand anyways). All this talk of invading airspace is unacceptable blah if the US has not been violating sovereign airspace of other nations at whim for decades. Be thankful it wasn't a predator drone.
At least our world leader has set a new precedent for others to follow eg if anything enters your airspace unannounced, destroy it. Hopefully others will follow suit and drones start dropping out of peoples skys..

@puff it's only bad when other countries do it, not when America does it. Right? We know that.

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