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How do you date?

I've been single for the last 10 year's. I have no idea what to do past chatting.

Sean_Noe 3 May 1

Enjoy being online again!

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26 comments (26 - 26)

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I’m trying the and Elite Singles things but so far I can’t recommend it though my best friend did find her now husband on Match (10y ago). I’ve met more of the people I dated at work than anywhere else. It’s a good place to get to know them first. But also stuff you like, join a hiking club, crafts, hunting, fishing...stuff like that. A co-worker loves guns, met his lady at a shooting competition. It takes being social and preferable with things you like to do.

@Silvertongue I started doing some experimentations on Match and either only ~1% care to respond to their profile declared invitation to “if you want to know more please ask” or there are a lot of fake profiles out there grrrrrrrr!

@SunshineBee fakes most likely. I've noticed that with other dating sites too.

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