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Difference between countries

Most of the members here seem to be from the US. I have also seen members from the UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. (Apologies if I have missed out other countries.)

My question is: Are there differences in the extent you are expected to conform to the beliefs of the people where you live?

This is not an idle question - it is the impression I get.

If you reply please indicate where you live.

This is not an advertising scam - it's just because I would like to know.

El-loco 7 Dec 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Thanks for your comments guys.

I also feel that 'conservative' and 'liberal' have a different meaning in the UK and US.

(Prepared to be corrected on this.)


The UK is pretty multicultural with a high degree of tolerance for other faiths (and non-faith). Things are also "turning" (and have been for some time) where there is an increasing move toward agnosticism/atheism (at least, from my perspective). Faith rarely, if ever, comes up in conversation. I feel blessed 😉


I m from India.. More than religious controversies, caste issues are higher.
Most of the rural people are separated by caste identity and most lives are lost over caste than religious riots.. Sadly all Hail from the same religion.


america definitely seems to have a lot more religious pressure than where I live in England.


I live in the US and I think this is regional. It seems some areas of the country are far more concerned with homogeny (and those people probably think I just called them gay). I live in a rural community in northern New York, and it would be a reasonable assumption that there's pressure here to conform, but for the most part that's not the case. Religiously, I've felt zero pressure outside my meddlesome family. There's a bit more pressure to be conservative, but I hold my own as a moderate, left-leaning, classic liberal.


I live in the USA. Here the question is more a question of what state a person lives in, even what town or city one lives in. I live in Florida, but I could NOT live in in most of north Florida, Ocala, or St. Augustine. Those locations are almost entirely steeped in racist and reactionary politics, mixed with evangelical Christian true believer zeal. In that sense, those areas have changed very little in ideology from the Civil War ear (1860-1865) An ancestor of mine was forced to flee St. Augustine during the Civil War because he opposed slavery and the war itself, and wound up in Indiana.

Larger cities like Tampa and Miami (and their suburbs) allow a person much greater freedom to believe as he or she chooses.

I would not choose to live in South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, or Texas. Since the 1960s, both Oklahoma and Kansas have shown real regression toward the reactionary right since the 1980s -- regrettably.


I am from a rural area Called Wairarapa, it is 100km North-East of Wellington,NZ. As I child I had to conform to the religion of my parents. But there is not any pressure here as an adult to conform. In my experience people don't give a toss if you are of any faith. It is sort of an unspoken rule that you don't talk about religion. Although at Halloween I did see a comment someone made about an Halloween event for family being an oxymoron. But the wider community shut them down for being closed minded.

Last night in the supermarket two kids aged about 8-10. " girl -you know Santa is make believe so we don't have to be good" Boy- yea, well Satan is make believe too so were not getting in trouble either". Lolol I giggled


The US has a more diverse population then most other countries. There are many places where people are encouraged to be what they are (usually in urban areas) and others where's pressure to conform (rural areas). I live in Charlotte, NC which is in the Bible Belt but is as cosmopolitan as any other major city.

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