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LINK South Dakota bans gender-affirming care for trans youth

South Dakota has become the second state to ban gender-affirming care for transgender youth after Republican Gov. Kristi Noem signed the controversial bill into law.

The big picture: South Dakota is one of several GOP-led states escalating attacks on trans rights through legislation that often targets youth. More than two dozen bills targeting trans health care were introduced at the start of 2023 state legislative sessions.

Details: The law bars health care workers from prescribing puberty blockers and sex reassignment surgeries.

It does not limit or prevent provisions of services to minors born or diagnosed with a "medically verifiable disorder of sex development," according to the bill's text.

What they're saying: "I am signing HB 1080 to protect our kids from harmful, permanent medical procedures," Noem said in a statement. "I will always stand up for the next generation of South Dakotans."

Yes, but: Reputable medical groups, including the American Medical Association, have warned of the negative mental health impacts spurred by restrictions on gender-affirming care, especially for trans youth who have an increased risk of suicide.

A January 2022 survey by the Trevor Project found that over two-thirds of LGBTQ youth said recent debates over anti-trans state laws have hurt their mental health.

Worth noting: South Dakota's ban comes a year after Noem signed into law a bill barring trans girls and women from participating in school sports that align with their gender identity.

The White House later condemned the measure, accusing state lawmakers of putting trans youth and their families at risk of bullying and discrimination.

The big picture: The Department of Justice has said that blocking access to treatments could violate "federal constitutional and statutory provisions that protect transgender youth against discrimination."

snytiger6 9 Feb 15

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Repub keep crying about how rights are being destroyed by open minded people, but they want to take them away from minorities that don't matter to them.


Transgendermania has unfortunately become a litmus test for political tribalism in the same way that climate change has. But as a left of centre liberal who votes for the Green Party here in Canada whenever possible, I feel no compunction whatsoever in agreeing with Trajan61’s comments below. The grotesque spectacle of watching a balding 40-something man competing in the female weightlifting category in Tokyo, or a chubby Asia boy winning a beauty contest for females in the NE US, gives me no choice but to conclude that the far left can be just as nutty as the far right. It’s getting lonely in the sensible centre.

Trajan61 fears what I say and blocked me. Thanks for the info on his comment.

Fear moves conseratives and his fear causes him to exaggerate the left’s numbers.

That’s why the GOP did poorly in the recent mid-term elections. America’s left outvoted America’s right.

The arc of the moral universe bends toward justice.
……Paraphrase of Theodore Parker about slavery. Cited in Jon Meacham’s book about Lincoln.


They claim it's to protect trans kids... so they declare war on trans people to protect trans people.
Typical cruel, vile and evil conservative fascism at work.

You nailed it. Their hate will shrink their support.


Oklahoma will soon follow suit. Minors under 18 should never have puberty blockers or sex change procedures! And neither should biological men be allowed to compete against women in sports.



Exactly the way it should be!


I don't understand the hatred these people have for us.

Their fear of differences fuels their hatred.

Don’t waste your time trying to understand it. Your activism makes you more effective.

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