A quick search will allow you to find a shit ton of videos where Biden has argued to cut social security and he is the one man that lead the effort to tax social security several years ago..... but yeah.... it's the other side's fault and now he's the great protector.
I'm for means testing in both Social Security and Medicare. It makes no sense to be sending fat checks to multi-millionaires and billionaires
Before I raised the retirement age, I would first make sure the wealthy and corporations were paying their fair share in taxes (definitely more than they pay now). And I would cut military spending before I would raise the retirement age. But raising the retirement age is not an absolutely crazy idea.
Where Biden was 20 or 30 years ago is not really germaine today. All politicians play politics. The fact is, today he is not about to cut SS or Medicare. And today's Biden is the one that counts, the only one that can sign bills into law.
"Before I raised the retirement age" is where i disagree, The retirement age should be what you planned for and built as your own safety net. Be a grown up.