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If the story was real, why can't true "christians" see it this way? The transformation makes no sense to me!

JFreckles 3 Feb 25

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You sure have that right.


Christians, along with Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Pastafarians, have by definition abandoned all reason.

Reason is difficult, reason takes work, and reason sometimes tells you things you don't like.

@Fernapple ... and ... reason sometimes comes up with answers that are incredibly useful in leading a more rewarding and fulfilling life.

"The reason that I don't use reason is that it makes my brain hurt.". Am I being an incredibly bitchy and nasty person? Yes, I am.

@anglophone Quite. I love reason, but I am amazed by the number of people who run away waving their hands in the air, at the mere mention of it.


It is not that strange, given that successful ideas often are adopted by those in power. The evolution of the "Jesus Christ meme" is not so strange if you look at its journey through the centuries.


True in one sense. But you have to remember the reason for which religion is popular, and the main thing which people want it for. Which is that it is the only human institution, that does not include any method of questioning, it is the only resort you have to justify anything which you can not prove by evidence, appeal to majority opinion, natural justice or reason.


As far as I can tell, the thing that makes you a Christian is believing in the divinity of Jesus Christ. Anything else is just a No True Scotsman fallacy. So, if someone believes Christ is divine, but also hates gay people, poor people, science, and foreigners, they are, still, "true Christians".

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