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The criminal element hates a one world governance; that makes me for it. What do you think?

Given my old criminal mind and delinquent attitude; I know that if I was my old self, I would hate the notion of a one world government.

Such a bank would prevent me from talking advantage of the white economy.

Fair taxation makes my criminal wallet lose twofold. I lose my gain and now must pay fair.

Given my reform and apotheosis, I feel it is my duty to tell all my fellow white economy taxpayers, we all pay taxes, and it is foolish not to have a fair system.

Leaving unfair advantage to the black market does not seem like a good idea.

I think I would vote for a One World Government, just to get the One World Bank.

If your government preaches against a One World Government, they are voting with the criminals who hate the idea.

Economically speaking; given that single source banking governance is easy, --- I think that moving a huge economic advantage from the black market to our white market, --- is a good idea.



Greatest 5 Mar 1

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Maybe if it is controlled by an unfathomable AI...


Extinction is coming first.


One world government is the stupidest idea ever dreamed up. Power corrupts, history give testimony to that, having one power-hungry idiot like the one we have in the White House is just asking for dictatorship. Surround some asshole with a bunch of yes-men, and the asshole turns into a bigger asshole, loses touch with reality, because no one tells him when he is wrong, he'll start thinking he can do whatever he pleases, you know, start WWIII, nuclear war, tell the Russians he has no intention of invading Russia, which incidentally exactly what Hitler told them, and Biden expects them to believe him? Not sure what imaginary world this fucker is living in, but it is one hell of a far cry from the real one.

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