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Florida chrstofascists republicans maga death cult politicians now are wanting to pass a bill that would outlaw the Democratic Party of Florida!!!

Sure seems these Obstructionist regressive christofascists republican maga death cult members want to destroy and divide this country wholesale!!!


of-the-mountain 9 Mar 5

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We are at war, political war, if we don't solve it politically it will become more violent then it has been.
We are at war with the equivalent of the Sith.
Fortunately we have truth on our side while all they have are delusions and cruelty.

Unfortunately in the past the leaders who committed crimes of sedition and crimes against humanity have not been convicted and sentenced to death since the founding of this country!!!

The civil war was lost by the confederacy, yet not one of these murderous genocidal leaders were ever brought to justice!!!

1934 when a group of senators and congressmen alone with the wealthy industrialist plodded to kill FDR!!!

Semley Butler a Marine corp colonel at the time who they tried to recruit informed FDR and several others who stopped this seditious rebellion! No one was prosecuted due to their ties to the wealthy, other members of the police and military at the time!!! No one in government wanted too or were all out afraid to prosecute!!!

Now on January 6th you have over 150 members of the senate and congress who indirectly and directly contributed to this seditious rebellion!!!

No one is allowed to serve per the US Constitution!!!

Yet they are all seated in their senate and congressional seats, they are not being prosecuted because of their direct involvement with the wealthy and their corporations who own them outright!!!

The DOJ is a complete joke and a waste of taxpayers money’s when they cannot even enforce the Law of this Land, the US Constitution!!!

Let’s not talk about the fraud committed against the people of this country and the world The last three years!!!


Obstructionist regressive republican christofascists maga death cult member wants to destroy this country!!!

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