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I am stronger than I thought.

Betty 8 Mar 15

Enjoy being online again!

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That is an extremely high bar for some situations. Having ones values disrespected and trashed certainly invites disrespect in return. I do my best to rationalize forgiveness, but forgetting is something else. Trust is no longer much of an option. Relationships require cooperation from both parties. When the other party won't apologize or express any contrition, what path forward can there be? Sometimes, you have to let go and chalk it up to the chaos of life.

For me, forgiveness was letting go. You are correct. Trust is no longer an option and without honesty and communication there is no foundation to build trust on.

My spouse managed to break free from her family which was firmly in the grip of Pentacostalism. The stories she tells... Most of her children will speak with her, but I can't begin to imagine the pain she feels and felt from several of them. I feel weak by comparison. Life is a book and the pages turn, one by one. I'd love it if a later chapter included reconciliation, but at this point, I have to move on and assume it won't happen. I know I have lots of company; I'm surprised at how many people walk around with gaping, bleeding wounds. Plainly empathy isn't nearly as common as it should be, and some fully lack it.

@racocn8 Talking about it instead of keeping it bottled inside of me helped me to let some of it go. Finding that perfect friend who empathized, understood, and encouraged me within a safe environment was the key for me.


I would never forgive a person who takes advantage of those weaker than themselves, or people who try to destroy the lives of others. Why? Because for one thing, it is a christian idea that we should forgive, and christianity was invented by those who were keen to control others, and the very people who were and are keen to control others are usually some of the worst folks walking on the planet . . . they NEED people to believe this doctrine so they can get off free and clear for the shit they do, (you know, war crimes, dronings, bombings, coups in other countries, crimes against their own populace), because if people believe this doctrine, they believe that any transgressor will be punished in the afterlife, by some "just", all-knowing pie in the sky unprovable justice, and are then less likely to consider it so important to see them punished for what they did in THIS life. This is very similar to the "Karma" claim, but if Karma were true, Henry Kissinger would be hanging upside down by his balls from a tree branch.

Ever read Machiavelli? This definitely stood out for me like a soar thumb while I was reading "The Prince" "Therefore it is unnecessary for a prince to have all the good qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them. And I shall dare to say this also, that to have them and always to observe them is injurious, and that to appear to have them is useful; to appear merciful, faithful, humane, religious, upright, and to be so, but with a mind so framed that should you require not to be so, you may be able and know how to change to the opposite." - Niccolo Machiavelli (The Prince)

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