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I wanted to share my joy at finally getting a place of my own. Its small, 725 sq. ft., but is so cute. My oldest son bought 5 acres in Wallis, Tx, where they will build their dream home. There is a small cottage on the property that my son is having refurbished for me. Here are a few photos and also the new floor plan as we have ripped everything out, down to the studs. We are changing the floor plan around as it didn't make sense to have the kitchen right off the bedroom, so the kitchen and bathroom are switching sides.

It will be a few months until its done. I'm just so thrilled that I will be able to unpack my boxes that have been packed for over 2 years now!!

Redheadedgammy 9 Mar 16

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My first Apt after leaving my ex was less than half this size. My current condo is only slightly bigger than yours. It's quite big enough. I will need to eventually get a second bed for guests but other than that, I have more than enough space. I remind myself frequently I don't need "things" and don't buy junk. Frankly, the obsession with "things" and excess space just isn't my thing. It's just more that my kids would need to get rid of at some point.

Congrats on the place!

Thank you! I feel the same way, I think twice or three times before making a purchase these days. This place will be easier to keep clean, not expensive to heat or cool, and I have great outdoor space. I couldn't be happier. So grateful to my son and DIL.


I think large houses are overrated.
My place is small.
What I would appreciate is more land between me and the neighbors.

Unity Level 8 Mar 18, 2023

I couldn't agree with you more! All we do with the big houses is fill them up with mostly stuff we don't need!! 😉


How wonderful for you! It's a little bigger than my apartment, which is only 686 sq ft. and plenty roomy for me!

I think as we get older we all realize that we don't need so much space for just one or even two people. 😉


Good, that's great. Don't worry about the size, my home is about a thousand square feet, and it is really too big for a single person, I have two rooms that I don't use. Smaller homes mean less cleaning, cheaper heating, and less to repair.

True…I’m now rambling about in a four bedroomed house on my own…and I hate cleaning!

@Marionville Snap! 4 bedrooms, and a mutual loathing of cleaning!

@Petter I only have two, but I closed the door on one about five years ago. The spiders are welcome to it, I am not cleaning up after them.

This space will be the perfect size for me and my dog. I am so looking forward to some privacy!! 😉


congratulations !

Thank you! It's been a long time coming, and I'm glad to know in just a few more months I'll finally have my own space!


I think my home is about 800 sq ft but I have lots of outbuildings.


Cute!!! Add shutters and window boxes, Adorable!

Thats the plan. 😉 I think it will all look great when it's finished.


My first house was a 660 ft2 honeymoon cottage and I had a lot of good times living there. The property stretched as a strip from one street to another, with the garage at the opposite end, and back yard in between. Also, it was situated between a trailer park and a tall railroad berm, so, except for the trains, pretty quiet. All good, except a bit haunted...

Sounds like it was perfect place for you at the time. My place will be perfect for me because it's just me and my dog, plus I will have a lot of outdoor space too.


Oh, Rhonda, it looks absolutely perfect for you - how exciting! And being close by but having your privacy will make all the difference for you. Congratulations!

I am thrilled beyond words Lauren! Just a few more months in my little room! Yay!!!😍

@Redheadedgammy I'm thrilled for you, and even a tad envious! It seems like a delightful yet practical future for you.

@Lauren You will have to come for a visit once I am in the house. 😘

@Redheadedgammy I look forward to it. 😊



I promise you I will!!!😉


I know that will be a relief for you.

Yes it will Glenn! I love my son and his family, but I am ready for my own space! Looking forward to gardening again too! 😍


68 square metres is compact, but usable. A lot depends on layout. One does not need a huge bathroom, for instance.
A kitchen needs worktops, not floor space.
I have pans conveniently to hand, hanging on walls and ceiling, pan lids accessibly stacked and kitchen knives on a magnetic strip.
The "mess" is because we had just finished washing up after supper.
Washing machine? Hardly ever use it. When there are only two people eating, it is quicker to use the sink!

I don't have a lot of kitchen stuff so won't need a lot of kitchen space. The plans for the kitchen are pretty roomy and will have everything I need. I usually wash my dishes by hand always. 😉


What a cosy little nest it’ll be when it’s finished…looks like the perfect solution for you!

It really will be the perfect size for me and Lizzie. Plus, I will have raised beds for my gardening in the back yard. My DIL is getting chickens, so I'll have lots of chicken poo for the garden. 🤣🤣

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