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Top Reasons For Joining The Church Choir

  • You're running out of clean clothes and the robe saves on laundry.

  • The church is usually crowded and you want to make sure you always have a seat.

  • You've just been selected for jury duty and you want to get use to sitting with a large group of people.

  • The collection plate is never passed to the choir.

  • There's a clock in the back of the church and you want to know when one hour has passed.

  • For years you have wanted to know who sits in the back of the church but were afraid to turn around and look.

  • You've been known to nod off during the service and don't want the minister/priest to catch you.

  • The chairs for the choir are padded and are the most comfortable chairs in the church.

Lilac-JadeCanada 9 Mar 22

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Yes, but just don't OK. Outside the birds are singing, the air is fresh and while the Christians are all in church, you can cook the babies without being caught.


All very true. And I liked the music and singing.

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