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Trumpie wants to prevent these doctors from coming to our country. He has no idea how much they contribute.

I know!! If all the non white male doctors left we'd be in a world of hurt.


I prefer foreign or non-white primary care doctors, white american doctors appear to me to have their heads stuck up their asses.

When I had to find a new primary care doc, I looked for a woman close to my age. I didn't want a male or a younger woman, I wanted one who knew what hell menopause could be and the issues of aging first hand. I also wanted an Internal med doc who saw only adults. I don't want to share a waiting room with tiny germ factories called children. And she had to have an office on the west side of town. I had about 3 docs to choose from.

@HippieChick58 Forgot to mention I prefer woman primary doctors, they just appear to me as more detailed.


Good post. Shared on FB.

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