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Ukraine has been served well by a president who had been a comedian. I believe hat we would be well served by Jon Stewart. He is bright, insightful, honest and sincere -- as well as patriotic. Who agrees?

wordywalt 9 Mar 31

Enjoy being online again!

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I too have thought that but he is Far to intelligent to get involved in the 'people-pleasing' and 'deal-making' distasteful aspects of politics after a lifetime of speaking his mind.


One never knows how people will be once they are in office. Selenskij could have turned out to be a complete failure, just as Kamala Harris, who received tons of praise in advance, has turned out to be a failure. Ukrainians are lucky that Selenskij became such a good president.


you think a bunch of supporters could persuade him to run?

I don't know, but it is worth trying.


And would Stewart remain ….?

I rhibk so.

@wordywalt Ooh, there.’s a song for this. It goes “The R key is close to the T key and the B key is close to the N key, now hear the word of the kord. (grin)


You have to be kidding, unless you are into banning opposition parties, media dissent, a refusal to talk with those you are in conflict with, wage war against your own people and attempt to ban a whole language over a third of your population have as a first language (including himself). Then there are the seizures of historic monasteries, and an unwillingness to abide by agreements which admittedly were forged in bad faith.
Do you know he was voted in overwhelmingly, like 80%, as he promised conciliation and peace with Russia then promptly increased shelling of the Russian speakers in his own country, ones who had voted for him?
"Honest, sincere...................give us a break"

puff Level 8 Mar 31, 2023

Pure bull shit!!! He would build the support of the Ameeican people to clean up the corruption of money politics.

@wordywalt I wouldn't be asking Americans advice on how to clean up shop.

@Puff: Congratulations, an entire post full of irrelevant non sequitors


We have to be careful as we've already had two inexperienced actors who made it big in politics, Reagan and Swarzenegger.

Biden's a bit of a card as well. Did you see his "choc chip icecream" routine addressing a school shooting? Hilarious.

@puff Get serious joker!!!

Stewart is much more inteelligent and sincere than either of the two.

@wordywalt And we Californians had both of them.

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