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Did you ever wonder what your heart rate should be?

The following article contains useful information:


FrayedBear 9 Apr 1

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I take blood pressure meds but I have never wondered about this. If I had heart problems I might wonder.

If you do not have problems why are you taking meds for your heart? Your heart creates your blood pressure. If it requires meds something in the muscle is not working properly or you have defective piping

@FrayedBear Blood pressure has nothing to do with your heart. It has many factors and happens over time.

@DenoPenno Without your heart functioning you have no blood pressure.


Good info. My heart rate sits very nicely within the parameters. Shame my blood pressure does not.

Too high or too low?

@FrayedBear Both. It has been know to exceed 200. My peak reading was 227.
However, it also nosedives to below 100. My lowest trough was 62/40.
Currently, (during the past 3 months), it meanders between 115 and 90, with a very occasional 120 or 85.

@Petter covid19 lockdowns sent mine up about 10 points.
I had cause to look it up because the mickey mouse watch on my wrist claimed a beat of 58 when I first awoke. According to that article it was high. Its BP readings, no pressure cuff are a complete joke.

@FrayedBear I take mine with a "proper" device, not a gimmicky watch.

@Petter by the time I fitted a proper device my heart woul have gone from sleep rate to sitting full bore.

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