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American veterans discard their medals in protest.

American solidarity for Iraqis & Afghans affected by USA war against their countries.


FrayedBear 9 Apr 8

Enjoy being online again!

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There has been plenty of cases where war verterns have thrown away their metals or guit their carreers. Like mandating vaccines or having to kill women and children. Or I don't work for the Government bullies any more.


Typical of you. somehow you find a couple of instances and depict those as the norm. You might try some honesty for a change

Still living with your delusion Walt?

@FrayedBear It is your delusion, or more correctly your bullshit.

@Alienbeing You make a good match - a Florida resident & an Alien.

Where do I make the statement that the few who have left the delusion in fact are the majority? I don't. You are still in your delusion Walt but too proud, too ashamed or #stupid to realise or admit it.



Aka those who realise that they have been misled , lied to, manipulated & conned.

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