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Relics of ancient viruses - that have spent millions of years hiding inside human DNA - help the body fight cancer, say scientists.

The study by the Francis Crick Institute showed the dormant remnants of these old viruses are woken up when cancerous cells spiral out of control.
This unintentionally helps the immune system target and attack the tumour.
Read more here:-

Petter 9 Apr 14

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I read an article a few years ago that stated the viruses have been around a lot longer than our species, the earliest being estimated to be about 310 millions years old.

Viruses pre-date bacteria. .... and RNA predates DNA.


way cool!! Our bodies are so amazing.

Are they? This is the result of our bodies not being efficient enough at getting rid of an invasive virus. It was able to kill ot but not able to sweep the remnants away. Now a lucky break means that the remnants reactivate and then our bodies kill the cells they are in, which happen to be cancerous!

@Petter They're amazing but definitely not perfect.

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