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Being a Humanist means trying to behave decently without expectation of rewards or
punishment after you are dead.

Kurt Vonnegut

pete23445 4 Apr 17

Enjoy being online again!

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I totally agree. I am far more comfortable with humanists/atheists who shoot straight than with xians who tear you down then ask for forgiveness. Or worse, they say they will pray for you. I was an xian for a few years. I'd "pray" as I was getting ready to sleep, but I'd usually fall asleep during the prayers. Prayer groups are a great cover for gossip sessions. Many xian churches are chock full of "Karens" who enjoy "putting others in their place."


Kurt Vonnegut . . . .

I was active duty Army from age 19 to 25, and I've been in a few foxholes. I will admit no one was shooting at us. However, I am 100% certain that there are atheists in foxholes. We may "cry out to god" in moments of high stress, but it is as likely to be OMFG as well as a few other pleadings to gawd as well as to mama. It is the primitive brain trying to make sense of an environment out of control. I'd argue it is far more social conditioning than it is an inborn belief in a supreme being.

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