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Even the earth is bleeding.

"There is a hole at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean and it is continuously spewing tectonic fluid. Scientists say they've never seen something like this, adding that there are high chances of a nine-plus magnitude quake in the region. Vikram Chandra tells you more."

FrayedBear 9 Apr 24

Enjoy being online again!

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We forget the history of the planet can do far more damage than we can.


Hi Frayedbear

Off topic, there was a really interesting post film you had on earlier, around in the 50s , about the second world war politics. On how these politicians discriminated on blacks, immigrants and jews. How do I find it again?

If you can't locate it through google or YouTube search all I can suggest is that, if you can get onto my profile page & access my posts & comments simply go through them all until you find. I don't recall the posting. If I do I'll let you know.


@Castlepaloma I rarely can access my profile these days - none of the links work!


Very interesting.
With the San Andreas fault nearby and the worlds largest dormant, but expected to awake super volcano Yellowstone and neighbours Heiss caldera,Picabo caldera,Twin Falls caldera ,Bruneau Tarbridge caldera, Owhee Humboldt caldera and the Mcdermitt caldera, if they go active along with Mt Rainer and Mt St Helens, America will have good reason to delay their obsession with gun fatalities, if only for the time it takes to adapt and rebuild.


The dangers of running out of lube!

Painful but perhaps karma.

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